We’re on a mission to help more people, make better financial decisions.

Meet Jordan

My name’s Jordan Vaka and I’m the principal adviser here at the Advice Gallery.

I’ve been a financial adviser for a while - 16-odd years now.

Fair to say I’ve seen some stuff over that time! The one constant throughout my entire career has been change.

Changes to superannuation rules.

Changes to investment opportunities.

Changes to insurances.

Changes to the rules we all work in.

Which, in my opinion, has simply made the old-fashioned, traditional ideas even more powerful.

That’s why my approach to advice is simple - help more people make better financial decisions, more often.

Helping people feel more confident about their financial future is the single greatest part of working as a financial adviser - and if you’d like to find out more about how we do that, just get in touch.

Independent Financial Advice

It surprises a lot of people to learn that ‘independence’ has a very strict, very specific legal meaning when it comes to financial advice.

Under the Corporations Act, advisers can only call themselves ‘independent’ if:

  • They do not receive any form of commissions

  • They do not receive percentage based fees

  • They do not receive any other gifts or benefits from the issuer of a financial product.

  • Their licensee follows the same rules.

What Does It Mean?

Our advice is – always - solely in your best interests.

We have no ties with any bank, institution or product provider. No commissions, no percentage fees.

We’re here to help you build your best financial life. So we work for you, and you alone.

 Just clear, useful, independent advice in your best interests.

We can help.

Design Your Financial Future

It all begins with an idea - an idea of the life you want for yourself. For your family.

Designing that future, fitting it into your present, helping you chase after it - that’s where great advice can help.

Set Your Direction

Once you’ve worked out your destination, then it’s all about mapping out the journey.

Making decisions. Setting the strategy. Executing the tactics. All with one goal in mind - giving you the best chance of achieving your goals.

Hurdle Speedbumps & Clear Roadblocks

The journey isn’t easy - that’s what makes it worthwhile.

So we’ll help you hurdle those speedbumps that come along, and clear out those roadblocks preventing you from getting where you want to be.

Where you deserve to be.