Personal Financial Advice

How We Work

Exploration Meeting

Our first, in-depth meeting where we explore where you are now, where you want to be and what you might confront along the way.

This meeting lets us identify just what it would mean for you to achieve your aspirations and ideal life.

Meeting in-person is the gold standard for this meeting, at our offices at a time that’s convenient for you.

Personalised Engagement

Now that we know your needs, wants and worries, we’ll provide you with a detailed engagement proposal.

This lists the services and advice that we believe will give you the best chance of achieving your ideal financial life.

A quote for our professional costs is also included, so you have all of the information you need to decide how you’d like to proceed.

Tailored Advice

When you’re ready, we’ll get to work.

We’ll work together to gather the information and data we need to provide you with deeply personalised advice.

Then we’ll prepare the strategic map that will take you to your ideal destination.

Bespoke, independent financial advice that’s always in your best interests.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Does It Take?

Our approach is tailored to your individual circumstances. If you’ve engaged us to help with something simple, we can often deliver what you need within a month or two.

If things are more complex, it might be a longer-term engagement that covers multiple steps over the course of a year.

Part of our engagement proposal is a suggested timeline for your consideration as well.

Where Are You Based?

As independent financial advisers, we’re able to help people across Australia.

Our head office is in Port Melbourne, Victoria. We can meet in various locations around Melbourne.

Our principal financial adviser lives in Ballarat, while our Client Services Team are in the Philippines.

Where Can We Meet?

When it comes to meetings, we can meet in our offices in Port Melbourne, or one of our other locations around Melbourne.

Many of our meetings are held via video, using Microsoft Teams, so working remotely like this is something we really value.

At-home meetings are available at an extra cost, with limited availability.

How Do You Help?

Independent financial advice can be a bit mysterious if you’ve never experienced it before.

But, at its core, it’s pretty simple - we provide honest, useful answers to your financial questions.

Some of them are straightforward - “what should I do with my super?”

“Should I put more into super?”

“How can I reduce my tax bill?”

“What’s the best investment for me?”

“I’ve paid my mortgage down - now what?”

While some questions are much bigger - and way more meaningful:

“How can I provide a better future for my kids?”

“I want to achieve real freedom - how do I do that?”

“I’m worried that I can’t get my spending under control, can you help?”

And finally - the big one:

“What can I do to build the best financial life for my future?”

We help people every day with these exact questions - with clarity, independence and transparency.

A Personalised Approach.


How Much Does It Cost?

We know how annoying this answer is, but “it depends”!

Because each engagement is so unique, there are no ‘one-size-fits-all’ fees. We can say a few things though that might help:

  • We’re a completely independent, no-commission firm, and we prefer to work to fixed-fee engagements.

  • You’ll know all of our fees before you proceed.

  • Our minimum engagement fee is $3,300 including GST.

  • The fee for our Exploration Meeting is $495 including GST.

  • Occasionally, we agree that an hourly fee arrangement is more appropriate. In that case, our hourly fee is $440 per hour, with a 3-hour minimum.

